Monday, February 28, 2011

Shannon & the Clams go to RENO! Record pre-order begins!!

Finally, we're going to RENO! We've been trying for months, and now, March 11th, we'll finally be there. Whoopee!!

Also, tomorrow (Tues, 3-1-11) at 8am, pre-order of our new record starts at !!!! Be there!! And one more new song from the record will premiere on and !!! And then, later that night, at the Hemlock we play with Uzi Rash, Guantanamo Baywatch (PDX) and BOOM(PDX)

New SXSW schedules/shows have been posted in our shows section, BE THERE

Monday, February 7, 2011

New song premeire, SXSW dates, April Hunx tour dates, new shirts!!!

Hello gentle freaks! Our first SXSW dates and our April tour dates with Hunx & his Punx have been posted! More details and fliers will be posted soon too. Also, we are definitely looking to do more SXSW shows, we want to run ourselves ragged!! So, if you know anybody running SXSW shows and looking for bands, send em our way!

Also, a song from our upcoming album, "Sleep Talk" has been premiered on the Bay Bridged website!

Our new shirts are finally for sale here and posters coming soon too

Aaaaaaaanndd..... our official album cover!!